Shop Independant

Shop Independant

With Black Friday just around the corner, there really isn't a better time to look to your favourite independent shops.

There are so many amazing events happening to counteract the frenzied shopping experiences that consume this time of year, all in an effort to support independent businesses and to help you find that perfect gift.

Today marks the start of JUST A CARD & HandmadeHour's Christmas Fair

Running from Monday 21st November to Friday 23rd December 2022, this annual event showcases the very best artists, makers, independent shops and small businesses.  The one stop shop for all of your Christmas gifts.

This Friday Holly Tucker (co-founder of NOTHS) invites you to participate in Colour Friday!

She is starting a shopping revolution, encouraging the nation to celebrate the colour and creativity that small businesses bring.  You can follow the movement and be inspired by all the independent businesses taking part by following  #ColourFriday and #CampaignShopIndependent

As for me at Taffy Tots Clothing, I am making this pledge to you... you can shop safe in the knowledge that you won't find my current core collections (Caledonia, Autumn and Winter) in any sale.

Happy shopping!

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